Sorry for the long delay in updating, but we have been very busy behind the scenes. Here are some things I know:

First, in maintenanceland;
Cessna 526 has rejoined us after completing her annual. She is available for large blocks of time-building to relieve 61Q's schedule, and rents at competitive dry rates.
Cessna 61Q has started her 100hr inspection.
Cessna 68U has completed her 100hr inspection.
Cessna 739 is not bothering anyone. Her LED light has even shipped! We'll believe it when we see it.
Cessna 94M is cruising along.
Cessna 63B goes in for her annual next week.
Cessna 17J will be rejoining the fleet! She is due in 5-6 weeks.
Bonanza 11N will be going down for annual next week also.

So we have completed our insurance renewal, and we have come to a compromise on our policies, after much hand-wringing.
First, since we hate surprises, there are no changes coming until August 31.
As discussed, our deductible is increasing to $10,000. This is effective immediately.
Solo students will be asked to carry $10,000 in renters coverage prior to solo. We will offer two flavors of coverage: Avemco (which covers you nationally) at appx $240, and a local option through our carrier in the neighborhood of $199. This will be per year.
Renters who we have an existing relationship with (and that relationship has not bent any metal) will also be asked to carry $10,000 in renters coverage. The rates will be the same, however, if you are not a FlyC alumnus, there may be an insurance form required for the $199 option.
Foreign renters who are new to the school will be required to carry full coverage for the aircraft of their choosing.
I know this all sounds like bad news, but the alternative option was to hike aircraft rates by $10/hr, and keep the $5,000 deductible, which we disagree with. Instead, we have chosen to personally absorb the increased insurance rates we will have this year, and hope that we have a smooth 2011/2012 flying season. At that time, we expect things to go back to normal. (except for the foreign insurance requirement -- that stays!)
Under our scheme, if you do have a real bad day of flying, your deductible is covered. We think $0 is better than $5,000, and much better than $10,000. As 17J shows, flying is not getting any cheaper. (her current tally is appx $125,000, and we're not done yet!)
We also expect to offer a package deal where we will cover your insurance costs with a block time purchase. We are working the spreadsheets to make it work out.
We will have finalized rates and whatnot shortly. Feel free to contact the office or myself with questions or concerns.

In other news...
We may be adding a 182T to the flightline to fill in where 073 abruptly left off.
We are on the hunt to add a General Manager to the Fly Corona staff. As my own time is increasingly and unusually being taken with other things, we have decided to increase our "power" in the office with some fresh talent and ideas. This will allow me to meddle without being distracted while at the airport. Additionally, it will give you a new steward to ensure your flying with us is the best anywhere.
There is no job description for this position, as this job is like nothing you could ever describe. It is, however, an absolute blast. If you or someone you know might want to play airplanes with us, drop me a line at
mike@flycorona.com. Please be, at a minimum, a pilot, someone interesting, full of energy, and not mean. The rest we'll figure out as we go -- but we'll be picky and will want a truly unique individual.
We are hosting a tire/brake change FAA Safety Seminar this Saturday at 10am. Donuts and coffee and hangar wrenching -- what could be finer? Join us if you like -- the course is eligible for FAA Wings credit!
Summer! Be sure to stay cool -- don't forget to add a cold water bottle to your preflight!
More as I know it...
Blue Skies,
- Mike