I can't believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas is almost here and we are now in the rainy season here in Corona, so,why not take advantage of the clouds and grab your IFR ticket, or take an IFR demo ride with one of our excellent CFI's!
A few things going on in maintenance land........
61Q is up in the air and running better than ever
98U is up in the air
94M is going strong
93B is cruising
739 is logging a lot of flights
17J is a workhorse and will be heading for a 100 hour on Tuesday.
182 is coming soon...... say again? That's right, coming to our fleet is a beautiful B33 Debonair and will have a fresh annual and 265 hp engine! We are anticipating having her on the line and ready to go the first week of December.
Congratulations to our newest commercial pilot, Pat S. who successfully passed his Commercial check ride Yesterday with DPE Tom Hamm! Great job!!!
A few housekeeping items,
The office will be closed on Thursday Nov 24 and Friday Nov 25 so we can enjoy the turkey dinners,spend time with our families and of course spend all our hard cash on Black Friday Sales!
If you have flights booked, call ahead to arrange pick up of the keys. If you want to grab some clear skies at the last minute, please email me at kevin@flycorona.com and I will be more than happy to come and give you the keys.
Other things that are happening on the ranch.....
We have now opened our facebook store where you can purchase gift certificates and our ever popular Catalina and Lake Matthews demo. That's right, we now have gift certificates available just in time for the holiday season.
We are offering a Pinch hitter course to all spouses which will include having one of our qualified CFI's teaching emergency procedures and landings. Spouses are more than welcome to sit in on any ground sessions and back seat on any cross country lessons that are given (at the student level). For more information, inquire at the office.
We are in the process of securing in house financing for all courses, more details to come next week!
We will be having a Christmas lunch for all our customers and staff on Saturday December 17th at 11:30 to 2:30. Please come by for some food, refreshments, raffle drawing and some good ole pilot talk.
We have 5 student check rides scheduled in the month of November. Good luck to all of them, I know that you are well prepared and we will be celebrating with you all shortly!
On a final note, if you have a good story to share for our new monthly newsletter, please send them to us along with any photos that you may have.
Fly safe!