First I want to thank all of you who came out to the bbq last Saturday. I hope you enjoyed the hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and refreshments. If you missed this one, join us in December for our customer appreciation day, more details to come in the next few weeks.
It has been a crazy few weeks at the ranch and this is what I know in maintenanceland.
61Q - Is in maintenance being repaired. Should be returning by Tuesday
68U----Is in the air
739---- Is in the air
94M---Is in the air - going in for an oil change Monday morning for a few hours.
63B----Is in the air
17J----Is in the air
We are working on some great new ideas for your flying enjoyment, like a pinch hitter course that will encourage your spouse to come flying with you. Your spouse will be trained by one of our CFI's in the areas of emergency procedures and landings. They will also be permitted to join your dual cross country flights to get the full training experience.

Good luck to all those who are taking checkrides this week!
Fly Safe!!