I know some things :)
First, the usual noise in maintenanceland:
Cessna 61Q is in for 100hr.
Cessna 68U is due back on the line tomorrow.
Cessna 739 isn't bothering anyone. Thanks 739!
Cessna 94M is back on her new hip joint
Cessna 63B is back on her new top overhaul.
Cessna 17J is reported to be 3 weeks away yet. Sigh.
Bonanza 11N is cruising.

We have succeeded in our insurance wrangle! The underwriter gods agreed to our "compartmentalization of risk", and things are back where they were!
There is no mandatory renters insurance for domestic pilots.
There IS mandatory insurance for foreign pilots.
Again, my apologies for the turmoil. This was a lot of work from the crew, so throw some kudos when you see them next. :)

We have begun the process to become an FAA-Accredited Part 141 School. Since our checkride pass rate is hovering around the 95% range, and we continuously turn out high-quality students, the FAA has agreed to pursue this approval with us. This is a very high honor, and we're pleased to be tightening our partnership with the FAA, and inviting their oversight into our operations.
We will continue to offer Part 61 training for those who prefer it. One immediate change with 141 status is the ability to accept G.I. Bill funds to provide training for our veterans.

Nice weather.. not tooooo hot out! Grab some sky!
- Mike