Thanks to those who joined us on a fun adventure to Oceano for snacks and sand at Pismo Beach! The following BBQ was also a great time, thanks to grillmaster Cris!
It was nice to sit and tell hangar lies on a gorgeous California Sunday, and with such a great crew. It was also nice to hear some pro comms, see some sweet short-field techniques, and even dodge a few unlucky skydivers, who misunderstood that airports are for airplanes, not for things tied to napkins and thrown out of a Cessna. Goofballs. :)

I hope we can do a similar get-together soon!
In other news,
Word on the street is that Julie will return to the fleet after some physical therapy handed down by the maestros at Tom's Aircraft in Long Beach. We had Julie shipped to Toms, since we bought her there, and have asked their sheet metal masters to see what they can do. We will know more shortly.
Mostly quiet in maintenanceland. 68U has had some spark plugs cleaned.

We are not done with our insurance fisticuffs yet, but will know by the end of the week what is in store. Things are looking decent.
Please join me in welcoming our newest CFI to the fold -- one Cooper Lee! Cooper joins us with significant aviation experience, a calm teaching demeanour, great pilot chops, and -- for now -- an open schedule! Cooper is available Sunday through Thursday for now while we ramp him up. If you bump into him, give him a hello or stylish fist bump, and welcome him to our Eyrie!

Morning fog, afternoon haze, 80 degree weather. Summer is upon us! Good times!
Blue Skies,
- Mike