I am just catching my breath from a very busy week, here is what I missed (but you may not have):
First -- we have a new IFR-rated pilot this week! Please join me in congratulating Ming L, who scored his blindfold in Cessna 739 with DPE Andrea E!
Way to go, Ming!

I know some things in maintenance land:
Cessna 526 completed an oil change
Cessna 61Q completed a 100hr
Cessna 68U completed her 100hr
Cessna 739 is rocking
Cessna 94M completed her 100hr
Cessna 63B is cruising
Cessna 17J has her new engine hung and is poised for paint work, acceptance, and will be back!
Bonanza 11N is a powerhouse
There is a gorgeous Baron on our ramp. We will know more next week, but it may find room in our nest. Please mop up any drool left on the wing, or inquire with the office for our proposed rates/club participation.
There are 3 other aircraft we are in assorted states of discussion with. Woof!

We are officially in the acceptance phase of our FAA Part 141. Target for final approval is 45-60 days hence. The office will be very busy.
We have a new CFI/CFII/MEI who has joined the Fly Corona family -- please say hello to Will K., who joins us from Long Beach, and we are happy to have flying with us! Will is friendly like us, enjoys flying, and brings a wealth of local knowledge -- and is ready to show you everything he knows!
Welcome, Will!
We have completely shuffled up the office.
Cris moves from Line Management to the office, and is currently in training. Please be nice to him, or escalate issues to Beth or myself if needed.
Ruth moves from Office Management to the Maintenance side of the house, where she will be assisting our wrenches as they get busy. And they are getting busy, if you've peeked inside there.
Kate joins us in the Office and is currently in training. Please be nice to her too :)

A lot is moving around -- and we might drop some stuff through the cracks! Don't let us -- drop me a note here, email beth@flycorona.com or mike@flycorona.com, or ask around -- someone should be able to help :)
A friend of ours has had a Garmin GPSMAP 495 Stolen, serial # 1E0003018 -- if you see a suspiciously good deal on a great GPS, please get in touch with the office, so we can reunite our friend with his backup navigation :)
We seem to have the only good weather in SoCal for flying... yay us! Grab some sky!
See ya,
- Mike
(by the way -- nice work to whomever called the Bellanca Cruisemaster -- how bout this one below? ;) )