Enough of this rain and gloom nonsense -- how about something worth toasting and high-fiving about?
Check this out:
First, a huge round of applause and congrats to the newest US Private Pilot in the world, one Pilot Pat Wirt -- who sailed to victory today with DPE Mark D in Bonanza 11N!
That's right... Pat got his license in a HP/Complex. Nice.
Way to go, Pat!

And second... grab your skis and bindings, as we're about to go sloosh into Hades... as our own Mr. Carlos C has earned his blindfold and IFR Rating. Waaaay to go, Carlos!
(The numerous betting pools on this topic will be resolved later this week :) )
Carlos earned the IFR with DPE Mark D in Cessna 17J -- and just in time for all of the clouds to depart.
Nice one, Carlos!

In some other news:
No tomatoes were thrown at the FAA Safety Seminar on tire changes today.
Cessna 68U has a weak magneto making her more susceptible to foulled plugs and hard starts. We will have her in service cautiously, and we will swap out the mags on Monday.
Cessna 739 goes in for her Annual Inspection next week
Cessna 630 doesn't seem to be bothering anyone.
Cessna 17J should have her PFD knobs fixed next week -- time permitting.
Skylane 073 is cruising along.
Bonanza 11N is rocking out.

Such nice weather this weekend, and in fact, all next week. Grab some air therapy!
Blue Skies,
- Mike