Who got some tasty actual in the last week? At least it's better than 114 degrees F, eh?
Here are a few things I know:

The Aircraft Spruce SuperSale is this Saturday! Usually some decent deals, always some free lunch, and I'll be discussing preventative Maintenance, and speaking about tire changes ... something we do quite a lot, and are qualified to discuss. It's a fun way to kill an hour or two.
If that's not your bag, the 99s are hosting a Poker Run! Fly to 5 airports, collect a hand, and support aviation donations for the 99s, a great outfit.
Check it out here: http://coyote99s.com/pokerun.htm

Not much to report in maintenanceland.
Cessna 739 will be receiving a new alternator today. :)
We came very close to getting a 1989 Turbonormalized Bonanza A36 in Wingfleet this week. The search continues. For those interested, the monthly will be appx $450, with dry rates running appx $99. The machine is loaded to the nines, and ready to cruise 205kts up to 25,000'. We will only have a few slots in this one, let us know if you'd be interested.

That's all I can think of. :)
Blue Skies,
- Mike