Please join me in giving a rousing hurrah to the newest Instrument-rated Pilot in the world!
Too cloudy for a checkride? I don't think so! Not if you're IFR-rated Gerd E., who brassed up to the cumulus and showed it who's boss. Gerd was joined by DPE Mark D in Cessna 17J for a proper set of approaches and other blindfolded stunts behind the yoke.
Nice work, Gerd!

In other news...
Cessna 630 is cruising.
Cessna 68U's oil consumption is running at appx 1 qt per 2-4 hours. Please keep an eye on the oil levels in the motor. We may give her a final re-seal before the new motor is installed.
Cessna 739's "one day turnaround" promise from the avionics tech seemed to be a pack of lies. 739 is running around with only one nav head. We'll send the brute squad over on Monday. It's not like we're all *that* surprised.
Cessna 17J is humming along.

Bonanza 11N is not offending anyone.
Skylane 073 is still stylish.
We are performing a pre-purchase inspection on both an A36TN and a G36TN for the club.
We are stilllllll hunting a good 172R or 172S for the line.
No word on the Archer we were considering.
...why it is so difficult to buy planes, I'll never know.

We have an old friend, Olivier, staying with us to build some time this winter, as well as work on his English. Olivier is a French pilot who will be flying on an FAA conversion license -- he's a good pilot, but he's here primarily to talk like we do -- if you see a young fellow sitting around, hiding in some charts, please feel free to introduce yourself and stretch his "Anglais" a little bit, he will be appreciative.
You may see Olivier working on the line. We thought we could start his vocabulary off with the phrase "aircraft belly wash" -- a most important pilot term. :)
That's all I know about for the moment. I am ready for the better weather we usually get right about now.
Blue Skies.... we miss you.
- Mike