Thanks for bearing with us during the 2-day downtime of our servers. Someone, who will not be named, but whose initials are Mike B, accidentally loaded a virus onto the server while testing some new PDF generation functionality. The virus invited all of its friends, and before long, there was a malware rave going on in our server.
It took 2 days of trying to save the thing before I decided a new server would need to be installed. We did that this morning, and all is well. I have chastised myself roundly for this. Doh!

In some other news:
Cessna 630 is flying around the patch lately. We have put 5 of her needed 10 hours for engine break-in, and will then be releasing her into the wild. Expect her return on Tuesday! Awesome!
Cessna 68U will be down for some time, we'd like to give her a thorough drubbing after her uneventful flight to new york and back.
Cessna 20U is back from her 100hr.
Cessna 739 will be in for Annual on Thursday. She is in Seattle currently, buzzing around. Her return is not slated until Week 2 of September
Cessna 1ES will *either* go down for 100hr tomorrow (Monday), or she will be relegated to "solo only" tomorrow afternoon. We are not sure yet.
Cessna 17J is cruising.
Cessnas 68U, 20U, and 1ES have all had their Pitot-Static tests completed.
Cessna 25R has her engine complete! We just need to find time to get to Oakland and install the thing now. We are hoping for tomorrow or Tuesday to make the trek.

We are considering some dramatic changes to our fleet.
Cessna 68U will be due for engine overhaul under flight school care in spring. An individual owner, however, would likely enjoy 5 years or more of puttering around in 68U. As such, we are considering selling her, even though she is "dialled in" quite nicely (as evidenced by her trouble-free ride across the country) -- she is aging and will need better care than our students can offer. :) We will sell her gone-over and airworthy, of course.
We are considering either a package deal (ie "25k and 100 hours' CFI time to get your license"), or just an outright sale (ie 22k). We would likely replace her with a C150.
Feel free to email me or contact any of us in the office to inquire further.
We are considering trading out 85Y, who has been 99% done with her annual now for weeks, for a Duchess. As such, we'd like to offer her up for sale, if anyone is interested, at 74k. We would gladly include 50 hours of MEI time with this sale, to secure your Multi-Engine rating (either PP-AMEL or CP-AMEL) as well as any hours your insurance carrier would require to give a good quote.
Feel free to email me or contact any of us in the office to inquire further. :)
If you are returning from a flight, we are now monitoring UNICOM for fuel. Please put the plane back on the line, but feel free to call up "Corona Chevron" on 122.7 with a fuel order. This works well when you're on the 45 -- don't clog the frequency with the request, however. Just say "need fuel at the flight school line" or similar, and with luck, our driver will be right over.
It will be nice to have planes again. Nice weather lately, too.
Blue Skies,
- Mike