We've scored a trifecta this weekend!
Hot off of David's checkride yesterday, we have two more successful checkrides to report!
First, Please join me in congratulating the newest U.S. Private Pilot in the world (sorry David :) ), one Joe Soter, who scored the win with DPE Mark DiLullo in Cessna 17J. Nice Work, Joe!
Joe is also off to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, and has been a frequent sight on the FlyC line. woot!

Not content with just one win, we also have a pilot who upgraded from his foggles to his full IFR rating -- one Instrument-rated pilot Darwin N.! Darwin also scored his checkride win with Mark, in Cessna 17J. Nice work!
Good times all around!
By way of a mini-update, I understand we are taking delivery of our 150 motor tomorrow. It's a hangar crunch!
Blue Skies,
- Mike