We are recovered from our Oshkosh shenanigans! You missed a good time, but we might see you next year. Here are some photos that I liked so far, we're all still totalling up our footage, including some amazing air-to-air shots. We flew formation practically the whole way to Osh, which was new for me, and a lot of fun.
For just over $400 a head, everyone enjoyed 8+ hours of HiPo/Complex time, and got to visit Oshkosh, which is simply Airplane Mecca. Also, we got to experience thunderstorm dodging, IFR practice, true XC flying, the charms of small-town airports, and the wonderment of gravel roads and 19 year old cousin stories. Oh my.
We also met up with our friends Elias and Ben, and had dinner at Wisconsin's Haute Cuisine, Outback Steakhouse (Thanks, Richard!)
All in all, a fantastic time, thanks for sharing it with us, flyers!
Some pics looted from Marlon and Kevin:

In other news,
Cessnas 68U, 20U, and 739 landed at JFK International Airport in New York! Wow!
Some pics from our friends, the Fab-Five:

Too much fun! My understanding is that the Cessnas were a flight of 3 behind an Emirates Boeing 777 at JFK! WOW!
Not much going on in maintenanceland -- however, when our prodigal Skyhawks return in two weeks, they will be promptly chucked into the hangar to tune em up and give them a massage after their hard work.
We are now training up to offer truck service fuel. Truck service is available from 9am-5pm, 7 days per week. We will expand these hours and monitor UNICOM when training is complete. For now, call us at 951-272-3942 for truck dispatch.
More information available here.
The weather is sort of nice lately.. I rather like it.
Blue Skies,
- Mike