The runway will be re-striped this coming Saturday AM from 6am-9am. This means nobody will be taking off or landing during this time, to allow the paint to dry. We are re-painting the runway edge lines, numbers, and centerline.
We could use your help! If you are able to volunteer for painting duty, please contact us, and we will credit you $8/hr in flight time for your airport service!

In other news,
Cessna 1ES is having an extended Annual Inspection. We expect her back this weekend.
Cessna 17J, 25R, and 04H are having their radios worked on today.

We have some foreign exchange pilots in town, and we have learned that many of them are stuck at the local hotel for lack of accomodation / crash pad. If any of you wish to lend a room to a foreign pilot, please contact the office with what you have to offer, when it is available, and rate you would like to receive, if any. We will try to pair up our pilots and save them some money.
Nice weather abounds!
Blue Skies,
- Mike