Can't decide what to do next Saturday? There seem to be 3 aviation events of interest to vie for your time.
Consider the following:
Flabob Airport (KRIR) is having a free "Family Fun" event, featuring warbirds, vintage airplanes, cars, music, and, the thing that caught my eye -- a game where you can try to shoot down RC planes with a paintball gun. Who hasn't wanted to brandish a paintball gun in the pattern on certain days? This might be the next best thing.

More info available here
Further afield, and more in the news category, San Bernardino "International" Airport, KSBD, is getting a control tower! This means class D airspace soon, and they are offering a tour of the tower. Tower tours are very cool and worth doing, and it might be one of the last chances you'll get to do three landings in one pass, thus cinching your passenger currency requirements in one go. Soon it will be "San Bernardino Tower, Cessna 17J requests touch and go runway 24, taxiway charlie, and taxiway echo" "Cessna 17J, San Bernardino Tower, request denied, cleared for the option runway 24"
Just when you were getting good at sneaking through the airspace without talking to SoCal, too... I'm betting the new controllers won't enjoy being called "Berdoo Traffic" either. :)

More info available here
And of course, AOPA Expo is afoot in San Jose KSJC, from November 6-8. This is trying to be the west-coast "Osh", and will be showing off the debut of the Garmin 696 handheld GPS, along with more aviation knick-knacks than you can shake a wallet at. Should be fun if you can get to the bay area.

More info available here
A busy veterans day to be sure!
Blue Skies,
- Mike