I'm going to refrain from discussing the weather, as I am clearly full of jinxation for everyone. Yuck.

Fuel has fallen sufficiently, and our fuel surcharge goes with it -- we are now not one, but two notches down on the surcharge schedule, as Fuel has gone below $4/gal. Huzzah!
We are experimenting with a tweak to our schedule which allows filtering of the columns you do not wish to see. If you wish to play along with us, we would love to hear both successes and bugs. You may view this at http://www.flycorona.com/signon4.asp The normal schedule will work in parallel with this.
Feel free to toy with it -- click on a column header to filter it out. An un-filtering option will display on the bottom of the schedule page.
We hope this will not be too confusing, and will help our schedule creep be more manageable.
Not much else so far. More as I know it.
Blue Skies!
- Mike