Blustery weather and strange afternoon winds seems to be back in fashion -- bad, I suppose, but it only takes a peek over Banning to see that it's worse elsewhere -- those are some awful looking thunderstorms lately!
A few updates:
We have received word that Piper 85Y's engine is complete. We had a number of false starts here, including the prop governor needing replacement, mags, pushrods, a number of gears, etc. -- all of which were found during final assembly. Woof.
The engine is being delivered to Procraft for installation on Monday AM. We are told that this time is "really really for real real reals" by our engine gurus. Based on the worn parts that were being pulled out of the engine, I believe we're doing the right thing here and getting things tip-top. Another series of apologies to affected pilots -- but the end is nigh. We will all breathe a sigh of relief in the office when she's back.

Cessna 68U has had some parts replaced in her main landing gear.
Cessna 20U is on her second windshield. It's a long story. Procraft is officiating over this one, they suggest midweek next week is the new target date.
Cessna 1ES finally got a bath today. She has been flying nonstop, and we haven't even had time to hit her with the hose -- yuck. Our scrubmonkeys finally got an hour in edgewise, and 1ES has returned to her shiny livery. Please don't hesitate to report icky planes to the office, so we can make sure that they are attended to.

We are applying for Part 141 status with the Riverside FSDO (FAA Flight Standards District Office). We will continue to instruct under Part 61 -- so this doesn't really affect anyone, except that our curriculum may be undergoing some changes next year.
Lots of upcoming check-rides. Be nice to your fellow pilots in the air!
We had a constructive talk with our landlord today regarding the future of the airport and our area in particular. We are cautiously optimistic about what's coming for the future. If you have some constructive feedback to pass up the chain (above and beyond my recent hoof-stomping), please send me a note, and I will include it for his consideration.
Warm out there -- remember that the back-room fridge and freezer stock pilot relief -- help yourselves freely!
Blue Skies,
- Mike