Some things are on my mind today, and I'd like to share them.
First, please join me in congratulating the newest FAA-Certified Flight Instructor, Nicholas H. Nicholas proved he could teach a student this stuff, and did so under the watchful eye of DPE Larry Hovell, and in Cessna 25R. Nice work, Nicholas!
Cessna 630 jammed through her 100-hr inspection today. My apologies for the Saturday downtime, as this caught us much earlier than anticipated. Apparently the 150 is a popular girl, as we were hoping to skate on through to next week. Doh!. My thanks to the pit crew in the hangar, including Mike, Curt, Carlos, and Zach.
Cessna 04H is grounded pending some wiring issues. We suspect they were caused by 04H's desire to get a Harris Ranch steak -- as she diverted some friends of ours on their cruise back from the San Francisco Bay. Tsk, tsk, 04H -- you just had to ask if you were having a Big Mac Attack!
Downtime is TBD as we figure out the best way to replace this wiring. We may also take some time out to replace her nose fiberglass -- we have been eyeing this job for awhile now.
Cessna 20U is due back next Tuesday from her yearlong Annual. There were some strange glitches concerning her new windshield, and she required about 4 days of sheet metal work. Woof.
Piper 85Y is slated for next week. The engine is with Procraft now, and it's quite shiny.
Cessnas 25R, 1ES, 68U, and 17J are all behaving. Thanks, girls!

Cessna would like to Barbecue with us! Our friends at Tom's Aircraft of Long Beach would like to bring out some sexy aircraft, including (hopefully!) The sleek Cessna 400 (formerly of Columbia Aircraft, based on the Lancair experimental). Cool stuff! We are considering October 4 at 11am for burgers, dogs, and the accoutrements that go along with them! Stay tuned.

Oh mama. The world's fastest fixed-gear piston single.
We are considering acquiring another Cessna 150, since 630 is getting hammered. Perhaps one with proper IFR kit. Any interest?
(warning: soapbox is on -- more than usual :) )
I joined Angel Flight West today. Some of you may have heard about the unfortunate business in Boston regarding an Angel Flight gone sour. I think it's tragic, and I also think that these flights are our best link with the community we share air with. There is no time like the present to support this cause.

Angel Flight West is a top-notch outfit worthy of your time and energy. They work hard to touch the lives that need our help the most. We're all fortunate to be able to fly -- so rather than go after another $100 hamburger -- maybe a $100 trip for someone who needs an organ transplant, or chemotherapy would be doubly rewarding.
As a bonus, many FBOs give significant fuel discounts to Angel flights, the flight is 100% tax-deductible, and you get to call up SoCal with "Angel Flight XXX", which commands respect in the system we all use.
We are figuring out a way to sponsor Angel Flights for rental aircraft, if anyone is interested. We are thinking along the lines of "Cessna 17J, $29/hr dry rate rental for all angel flights" If you have ideas on this front, I would be very happy to hear them.
Okay, soap box off. Thanks for listening/reading.
As always, Blue Skies!
- Mike