Please join me in congratulating new U.S. Private Pilot Tony G., who got his wings yesterday with DPE Ken Earl in Cessna 1ES. Under stormy clouds, Tony sailed to victory -- nice work, Tony!

Our planes have all aligned their 100hr inspection schedules again... with 4 of them coming due in the next 15 flight hours. We had hoped to keep 20U at a leisurely pace and do some thorough work, but it looks like we'll be in a scramble instead.
Cessna 630 still has 90 hours or so, and now has a new pitot-static certification.
Cessna 68U has already begun her 100hr early.
Cessna 20U plods onward through a tough 100hr.
Cessna 04H will likely be down next week for her 100hr. In the meantime are working on some radio troubles.
Cessna 1ES was just signed off -- whew. However, we are having starter troubles again. Look for some interesting downtime.
Cessna 17J will be put in for early annual on Tuesday.
Cessna 25R is likely due at the end of next week.
Piper 85Y just completed her annual. She is in for investigation of some badly foulled plugs.
Apologies if it seems like we're juggling these schedules all around. It's going to be a bumpy ride for a bit.

Two separate scalawags took our primary and backup restroom keys and pocketed them. If you have one of these, PLEASE bring them back, as you have inconvenienced a number of students, and we are all making faces at you. We are considering chaining the key to a bowling ball or something similarly inconvenient.
If you are interested in flying a little plane to Osh Kosh this year, and would like to split fuel and expenses, please get in touch or drop me a line. We are considering taking my V-tail and 85Y up to Wisconsin this year. No, wiseguys, I won't be taking the 150 back up :)

Now that Cessna 630 is here, we are considering retiring Cessnas 68U and 20U in the next year or two, and to replace them with another 172M or P (like 04H). Thoughts? While 68U is still as simple and rugged as a buick, 20U is starting to show signs of strain, and we're making some major investments in her -- but at some point she will just do better being in one pilot's loving care, instead of teaching landings to a few dozen folks a week.
Good weather is coming soon. I can't wait.
Blue Skies,
- Mike