Just not a lot to report around the ranch lately. Here are a few things I know:
Cessnas 04H, 17J, and 25R completed their pitot-static and transponder checks.
Cessna 04H has had some avionics repair work done.
Cessna 68U has had some transponder repair work done.
Cessna 20U is down for 100hr inspection.

June gloom is approaching. Overcast skies and haze will be the norm this summer. Early-AM pilots, be prepared for scrubbed flights. Typical burn-off is 10am or so, but it varies a lot.
As summer approaches, it is common for us to accept linemen to help wash and fuel planes, and basically do all manner of grubby jobs. If you know someone interested in doing these chores for flight time, let the office know!

That's all that I know of. :)
Blue Skies,
- Mike