We have secured a Cessna 150. At last. And she's fun!
Please meet Cessna 11630, a Cessna 150L, decked out with a KX155 digital radio (same as 1ES) and on her way to Corona. Cessna 630 will be available for rental at $59/hr.

Cessna 630 joins us from Mineral Point, WI (KMRJ) -- and when I asked the CFIs if they would like to ferry a 95kt plane back, the laughter was simply indescribable in both its volume and derision -- So I'm doing this flight personally.
We're already at Roswell, NM (KROW) via KMRJ-KLWD-KMPR-KDUX-KROW -- with a top groundspeed of 117kt, and a low of 66kt (ouch), the winds are odd today, but generally favorable. With luck and only modest headwinds, she might just make it for Monday bookings.

Some interesting facts so far:
Typical cruise speed MIAS: 110-115mph @ 6500'
Typical fuel burn: 6.1 gph
NM so far: 887nm
NM to go: 652nm
Flight time: 8.3 hours
Fuel used: 50.9 gallons
Total travel time: departed KMRJ 9:30am CST, arrived KROW 9:30pm MST (11 hours)
Total aircraft sighted on trip so far: 1, near Dubuque, IA.
States overflown: WI, IA, MS, KS, NE, OK, TX, NM
Last state where I had feeling in my butt: IA
Blue Skies!
- Mike
(from Roswell, NM)