June Gloom! Yuck! You know what that means... we're busying ourselves in the office with silly projects.
First -- a BBQ and Hangar Movie Night!
Join us tomorrow evening, at 6:30pm, where we will be playing Firebirds! -- a Movie starring Nick Cage and Tommy Lee Jones. I have no idea what to expect, but it can't be worse than Stealth was.
We will be BBQing burgers and dogs and snacks and drinks -- on us! Definitely swing by if you don't have anything else going on, and hang out in our hangar, chock full of airplane stuff!

Next, we are repainting the office and re-doing the drywall in the back room -- since the flood did a number on our ceiling, and we're sick of asking the landlord about it.
Also, We have re-enabled the "Squawk Report" form -- found on the schedule when you login at the top. Feel free to feed us nuisances and things you dislike in the aircraft, however trivial -- we always struggle to learn about these things in a timely manner.

the new office layout... in our heads
I also know a few things about planes:
Cessna 61Q completed her 100hr.
Cessna 68U completed her 100hr.
Cessna 739 has a new landing light. This will be the LAST halogen bulb we install in 739 -- the new FAA-approved LEDs which are compatible with 739 come out on the 13th, and we'll be first in line.
Cessna 94M is cruising.
Cessna 63B has had a delay in her scheduled autopilot checkup. The A/P remains inop for now -- sorry pilots.
Cessna 17J flew today. She enjoys some new sheet metal and a new interior. The interior is butter soft and SO nice. A special thanks to friend of the school Chad M, who provided us his expertise with Cessna Citation Interiors, and allowed us to get something WAY better than the stock leather.
Bonanza 11N is cruising around in Phoenix.

We have the entire line crew either doing sun dances, or playing nickel slots at Pechanga.
We are undergoing our annual insurance renewal, which is a big event for us. Expect checkout and rental procedures to be tweaked when we are done, and if we're lucky, no changes to pricing will ensue. :)
That's everything I know.
Blue Skies... exist somewhere else. :P
See ya!
- Mike