As many of you already know, the Corona Airport is closed tomorrow morning to facilitate something called a "Mud Run" -- this is where a bunch of people pay good money to run in the mud. Apparently the attraction of this activity is so strong, that it presents a flight hazard, and so the city has closed the runway to all operations.
It's sponsored by K-FROG.
Anyway -- we are moving our planes to CHINO Airport for the day, at Threshold Aviation, so feel free to book some time -- they will be ready for you over there. We plan to bring them back throughout the afternoon.

I missed 3 different checkrides somehow. Let me attempt to make amends:
First, please join me in congratulating new US Private Pilot Andre P, who scored his wings recently. Well done, Andre!
Second, our own Nick K earned his Commercial Pilot license, and is now a man available for hire. Woo woo! Nice work, Nick!
Third, chasing on Nick's heels, our own Carlos C earned his Commercial Pilot license also! Carlos is now a man available for hire too -- well done, Carlos!

Here are a few other things I know:
Cessna 61Q has had some intercom work done.
Cessna 68U is out playing in San Francisco and the Grand Canyon.
Cessna 739 completed an oil change.
Cessna 94M has her GPS Database updated, and some other sundry fixes.
Cessna 63B is scheduled for some autopilot work. It is currently inoperative.
Cessna 17J is hanging her engine today. She may grace the line next week. Her new upholstery is "butter smooth", and really nice.
Bonanza 11N has a new starter.
We have unexpectedly made an offer on a B55 Baron twin. This would be a joint-use aircraft between the flying club and the school for ME training, if we get it.
Our fishbowl has 50 tickets already! Thanks, Pilots! The prizes are starting to accumulate and are gaining in quality as well as quantity. :)
Real nice weather abounds. Grab some (mud-free) sky!
Blue Skies!
- Mike