Hello there. I'm catching up on all of the news from the ranch these past two weeks, and there are some items of note.
First, a very belated congratulations to U.S. Private Pilot Marian P., who earned his wings last week in Cessna 17J. Nice work, Marian!

Some maintenance tidbits:
Cessna 630 will be in for 100hr next week.
Cessna 68U has a new avionics master switch, which we hope will alleviate her radio issues.
Cessna 739 isn't bothering anybody.
Cessna 17J has a new: Transponder, ADAHRS, and Alternator. Toms says this will definitely fix the issue. We say that's great, we'll pay you in 3 months if the issue stays fixed. Their response was unfit to print, but we stuck to our guns. Reports say... So far so good.
Cessna 25R is cruising.
Debbie 11N had her yoke "Vee" flipped to allow more legroom and closer seating position. Also some minor squawks attended as well. We will be eyeing her intermittent GPS next, and scratching more items off of the list.
Skylane 073 returns from a trip to Mexico, where a certain pilot learned about Oil Filler cap security :) I hope Doug won't mind my sharing his epic adventures. What could be cooler??

We have two spots left in our Osh Kosh bash this year! Also one spot in the house... well, the second house, anyway. Here are some more details:
We will be leaving Saturday morning, July 24, and flying two aircraft from Corona: My S35 V-tail Bonanza, and one as-yet-unnamed aircraft of comparable speed. (because we hated waiting last year)
We plan to arrive in Osh on Sunday, after a stay in Iowa or Nebraska or some place rich in cornfields.
We will form up with our comrades in Debbie 11N (coming up from Houston), and our friends in a classic C35 V-tail Bonanza coming from San Francisco, and we will make a little formation into Osh.
We have rented two houses immediately across from the North 40. Air Conditioning, kitchens, proper showers... we will be luxuriating.
We will enjoy the Osh festivities and drink in everything airplane for the week.
Friday morning, we will make the slog homeward. Traditionally, we have made it home the same day after a cruel lashing and mutinous dive through all manner of weather, mountains, and gorgeous vistas.
...a week not to miss. Let me know if you'd be interested in joining us this year! The flight portion is appx $450 in fuel pro-rata, and the house is $100 per night (for 5 nights, for $500 total) -- we'd love to have ya!

That's all I know at the moment.
Blue Skies,
- Mike