Please join me in congratulating the newest U.S. Private Pilot in the world -- one Pilot Wayne C., who earned his wings in Cessna 739 with DPE Mark D. Way to go, Wayne!

We have a new CFI to replace Spenser P., who has decided to pursue his true calling and become a Lion Tamer in Kenya. Some would argue this is safer than Flight Instructing :)
Please say Hello to Lorne S., a CFI, CFII, and MEI. Lorne is also an Air Force veteran of 6 years, has an IT degree, and a very sharp sense of humor. We are looking forward to Lorne brightening our doors this summer, and cranking out pilots in his down-to-biz style! He is available for booking starting next week.
Welcome to the FlyC Family, Lorne!

We are throwing wrenches as follows:
Cessna 630 is down Monday and Tuesday for her 100hr.
Cessna 68U has a new new carburetor. She's been taking lessons from Julie.
Cessna 739 completed her 100hr.
Cessna 17J's transponder seems to be holding.
Cessna 25R completed an oil change.
Bonanza 11N will be pulled down for annual soon, possibly this week. We anticipate a 2 week downtime.
Skylane 073 still rocks.
To whomever the concerned citizen was who reported a "tan-skinned pilot in the flight school who was reading maps" to the Riverside Police Department -- thanks. You wasted 2 detectives' entire day as they tried to ascertain if our customer was a "terrariss". Unless you thought we were in on the plot, just ask us next time. We'll try to contain our laughter.
(we told the detectives the same thing, btw)
(All FlyC staff are TSA trained and certified annually -- we know what to look for)

Summer is upon us! Haze, Heat, and High Flying Weather! Woo hoo!
Blue Skies,
- Mike