We have some details now for the Paso Robles trip that Beth and friend of the school Ryan F have been plotting. Here is what I know:
We plan to mount a social expedition to KPRB on Saturday, April 24, at 8am. This will be a pro-rata flight, with some cool things they've cooked up, to wit:
We have devised a number of strategies to get everyone equal leg time, and all legs will count as XC time for those contemplating their IFR rating!
Here's the plan:
1 or 2 FlyC 172s with up to 3 pilots each can pro-rata their flight, using any route they find acceptable (we have some to suggest)
For those interested in the club aircraft, here's a chance to try your hand with a CFI:
Bonanza 11N has 3 slots available and will be flying with CFI Marlon
Skylane 073 has 3 slots available and will be flying with CFI Elian

The Aircraft Museum at Paso Robles will provide a BBQ Lunch, as well as time on their Flight Simulator! Cool!
Costs for those interested in a club aircraft: $115 per person!
Costs for those in a FlyC 172: Flight time pro-rata and $15 per person!
Admission to the museum, lunch, and the simulator is included!
For 3 in a Skyhawk, plan on 4 hours' flight time (1.3 apiece)
For 3 in a Skylane, plan on 3 hours' flight time (1 apiece)
For 3 in a Bonanza, plan on 2.5 hours' flight time (0.8 apiece)
...we will be leaving at 8am on Saturday, and will plan to return to Corona by 4pm. A fun outing filled with planes, mountains, and cool views!
Give Beth a ring in the office (she volunteered to do the logistics -- I'm hopeless at it) at 951-272-3942, or email fly@flycorona.com to secure a spot!
Friends of FlyC -- have your own plane? Wanna join us? We'd love to have you along! You're welcome to tuck in on our group rates for the sim, the lunch, and the museum as well -- only $19 per person! (hey, we subsidized the others ;) )
Hope to see you there!

In other news...
Cessna 68U wrapped her 100hr.
Cessna 17J wrapped her Annual.
Cessna 739 is due for 100hr. She starts Monday -- and is available for SOLO ONLY this weekend. Her new audio panel seems to be the cat's meow.
Cessna 25R will be ferried back to KAJO either tomorrow or Monday, pending FAA inspection and ferry permit.
Cessna 630 is cruising. Thanks, 630!
Skylane 073 is undergoing some interior and avionics refurbishment, as planned.

We are getting serious about some "Written Test Cram" ground school sessions. The format would likely be a long 2-day weekend, and would include the written exam at the end. .. any interest, written-exam laggards? (You know who you are... Carlos!)
When the wind stops annoying us, it's going to make some mighty fine flying weather. I can't wait!
Blue Skies & Have a Hoppy Easter!
- Mike