Who ordered up all of this funky wind? Yuck. Intrepid aviators were caught playing on runway 7 and enjoying the spirited use of flight controls in pursuit of a landing... we were able to point and chuckle at some of the better attempts... but now it's time for normal flying again! Whew!
Here are some things I know:
Cessna 17J has a new starter
Cessna 1ES is in the throes of an engine overhaul. We'll check back on her in May.
Cessna 739 completed her 100hr this morning and returns to market.
Cessna 68U is cruising along just fine.
Cessna 630 goes in for annual next week sometime.
Cessna 25R's gear doors have arrived from Australia! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel now -- we are awaiting FAA approval for the ferry flight, and then FAA approval on the gear door repairs, and then... we'll have 25R back! Neat!

The owner of the club 182, N92073, has extended use of the aircraft to FlyC folks for the next 2 months, while the club membership ramps up and her interior refurbishment proceeds. I have gone ahead and added both to the FlyC schedule for now -- and so as to not annoy those who see club as a 4-letter word, I have activated the filtering mechanism for them as well :) The wet rate is $139/hr with no fuel surcharge. This is a lower cost-per-nm than 17J! Who said there is no such thing as a free lunch?
We have 1 seat left for the Paso Robles fly-out in the big planes, and a few pro-rata seats in the 172s. Let Beth know if you'd like it! beth@flycorona.com
We are preparing our next FAA-Safety Maintenance Seminar -- "How to change an aircraft tire!" Ever hear of anything so boring? Me neither -- yet, it's one of the most detailed, intricate, and critical operations a pilot can do to his own airplane... scary! Look for this to debut sometime in May, hosted by yours truly. (lord knows, nobody else would do it!)
Simply gorgeous weather abounds. Let's hope it holds for the weekend!
Blue Skies,
- Mike