Welcome to 2010! We have some cool things in store for the new year, and I hope you'll join us -- to wit:
Bonanza 11N has survived the snowstorms of Ohio and Dallas (I know, right? Dallas?) to make it home this weekend. She is currently gracing our line -- come and have a look. She's pretty nifty.
The final numbers are in, and here is our offering to you:
You may join our flying club (website and name TBD -- currently being developed), for a one-year commitment of $194/mo.
There are NO flight time minimums.
The plane will fly at $59/hr dry.
There is a 100% refundable deposit of $899, which is designed to cover the insurance shortfall should you be unable to complete the 12 months.
We are getting our paperwork together, but we will be ringing those who raised their hand early. If you do not get a call from us next week, and would like to join our club, please contact the office and let us know. We'd love to have you, and she's a great machine.
We are making some tweaks to her to make her "ours", and will be ready to begin checkouts next week.
In other news,
Cessna 17J lagged on her 100hr for a part. Apparently UPS took New Years day off also. Doh! She will return Monday.
Cessna 630 is cruising.
Cessna 739 is cruising too.
Cessna 25R is undergoing her sheet metal work and engine teardown.
Cessna 68U will be worked on next week, with no estimate of time. We were amusingly even thinking of retiring the old girl... not quite yet. :)
I'm excited for 2010! We have cool things in store for SoCal flying!
Blue Skies,
- Mike