We have just returned from our holiday jaunt, and I hope that your own travels were warm and festive, and perhaps much less storied than our own.
There were some surprises that we came back to! Here's what I know:
Cessna 20U was due to go in for her 100hr inspection, but instead, seems to have been out practicing some soft field landings. Nobody seems to know what happened, but the FAA seems to be thinking "carb ice" at this time. Yuck. Keep an eye on that tachometer if you fly carbureted planes.
We are very happy that the pilot kept his wits about him and landed safely and without injury. 20U, however, will likely be down for "quite some time"
I have only seen pictures, so I do not have the full story yet.
Our new Debonair for the flying club is being Ferried from Ohio tomorrow, and she can be expected to be on the line this week. We will spend a little time shaking some bugs out of her, and then she will be available for demonstration flights, high-po endorsements, or anytime you'd like some actual speed and room in an airplane. It's the cat's meow. If I don't turn it into a sno-cone this week, she'll be all over the skies of cali this week.
Sadly, I have not been in the office yet... for over a week in fact. We will be on a skeleton crew still until Thursday. Please be nice to Carlos and Nick until then. :)
More as I know it!
Blue Skies,
- Mike