Please join me in congratulating the newest U.S. Private Pilot in the world, one Pilot Cassey A., who earned his wings in Cessna 1ES and DPE Mark DiLullo!
Way to go, Cassey!
In some other news:
Cessna 25R is in for 100hr this week, we anticipate it to go quickly.
Cessna 1ES is coming up for 100hr this week. We are eyeing 1ES's motor with suspicion, and she will likely be going in for a new engine in the next few hundred hours.
Cessna 20U will be going in for 100hr sometime this week.
Cessna 630 is humming along. Thanks, 630!
Cessna 68U has the month off. We are likely to idle her from the schedule until we decide her fate.
Cessna 739 emerged from her monster Annual, victoriously. We were amazed that it took 2 days to get the new panel plastics in, but they look spiffy.
Cessna 17J is rocking.
Piper 85Y may be off to Canada to start a new life in the frozen north. If you are interested in a pro-rata flight, please get in touch with me. I would anticipate a minimum of 15 hours is available, and the split would run $80/hr, which will be pure PIC or Dual, at your option. You will need your MEL license already, as it is a very long way to Canada on one engine :)

Did anyone win anything at the Spruce Supersale?
Santa Anas are lurking -- check AWSS before launching -- tailwind takeoffs are only exceeded in excitement by tailwheel landings. Yikes!
Blue Skies, (cool weather! woo woo!)
- Mike