When a plane hogs our hangar time, it causes all sorts of mess on the schedule and in the hangar. I apologize for the snafu, we are slogging through it as best we can!
Prima Donna 25R, not content with her new engine, prop, and prop governor, has also received some new interior plastics, seat upholstery (no more sheepskins), and some exciting sheet metal improvements.
25R has basically said this to everyone else:

Not nice, Romeo. Not nice at all. 25R is now finished with her 100hr, and will return tomorrow morning re-cowled and ready to be the Diva once more. Go on, girl.
In some other news:
Cessna 630 has a new alternator, solving her charging issues, finally. She has been returned to the flightline.
Cessna 20U is in to get her 100hr done next week. She remains on a solo-only basis for the weekend.
Cessna 739 has a new clock. Faboo!
Cessna 1ES will probably be in tomorrow for her 100hr to return her to market by this weekend, with luck.
Cessna 17J's transponder issues are baffling the experts. We have Garmin and Cessna on the case, but no action just yet. Sorry, pilots. We're working on it.
We did manage to fix her strobes, however, which were reported as "acting the fool"

Up for some tasty burgers?
Catalina Island is having their 50th airport anniversary this Sunday, with a "retro" $3 landing fee.
I think in 1959, the average single-family home was $3, but we'll indulge them their fantasy.
There are tales of BBQ, Live music, and excellent prizes to be raffled. And you can wonder what Avalon is like with 5 in the pattern and a full tarmac. Woo woo! Bring wheel chocks (borrow some from our maintenance crew if you need to)
More info here: http://event.pingg.com/Airport50th

On that note, the current word on Bobby A's is:
Consistently AMAZING Salads
Great sandwiches
Service started rough but has been friendly since day one, and is improving steadily.
Even the "small" size is a good sized meal.
We are starting our survey of their Breakfast, which they are just getting into gear -- More as I know it. Feel free to chime in if you've taken the Bobby A plunge!
Did the chili hole even have lettuce? I don't remember.
Blue Skies, (hopefully, anyway...)
- Mike