The Federal Airspace pirates have seized a juicy slice of sky for a "VIP" TFR, centered over LAX tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday this week. Stay east, or Maverick will be paying you a visit. You know the drill.

I am scratching my head as to why it is now a "VIP Notam" instead of a "Presidential TFR". Strange.
In other news,
Negotiations continue on 2 different aircraft.
Cessna 68U is in for 100hr. Downtime is expected to last throughout the week, as we have some major preventative items we would like to tackle while June gloom is around.
Cessna 630 will be in for her 100hr this week or next.
Cessna 20U is humming.
Cessna 04H was trucked out to Dallas, never to return. :( That was a sadder day than when Rose, Corona's DC-3 left in 2007.
Cessna 1ES is cruising along, finished with her 100hr.
Cessna 17J is styling after her 100hr.
Cessna 25R is still trapped up north. We have ordered a box of middle fingers to be delivered to those mechanics, who are taking advantage of our remoteness, and are being incredibly rude over the affair.
Piper 85Y is continuing her annual, with completion hinted at a week or two, but probably three..
Mornings are gloomy of late -- book accordingly!

We are wrapping up a lot of our operational procedure rework, and are now ready to entertain some summer projects. Any ideas (and you may post them here anonymously in the comments if you like, or drop us an Email) you might have on how to improve Fly Corona and keep it the most friendly and fun place to fly -- we'd love to hear them!
Projects we are about to complete include:
New "no-show" policy restrictions on the CFIs.
New maintenance procedures in the hangar.
Adding Recurring AD's to the AVIATE sheets.
Adding pilot credentials to the schedule, and restricting bookings accordingly.
New "grounded away from home base" procedures, contacts, and policies.
What else have ya got?
Blue Skies,
- Mike