Here are some updates for things around the ranch lately:
Cessna 630 plugs along.
Cessna 68U has had some work done to her intercom system. She will go down for 100hr inspection this week or next.
Cessna 20U is cruising.
Cessna 04H will be departing Corona tomorrow, and will no longer be a part of the Fly Corona line-up. Farewell, 04H!
Cessna 1ES is in for 100hr inspection now. She should emerge tomorrow.
Cessna 17J completed her 100hr.
Cessna 25R remains stranded with a ridiculous maintenance shop. It has been 2 weeks now. Current estimates are "tomorrow maybe". Perhaps they specialize in piper twins. :)
Piper 85Y continues a big mean annual. Downtime is estimated at "mucho", as is par for anything involving that plane.

We have made two offers on new planes for the line to replace 04H, both 172s (surprise!), however, we were only seeking one -- so now we're in a pickle! The situation should resolve itself in the next week or two, and reward us with maybe one, maybe two, and possibly zero sets of new wings -- sending us back to the drawing board. Stay tuned!
Blue Skies,
- Mike