Wrenches were flying in the hangars today, with linemen busily reorganizing our stuff which is still all boxed up, and mechanics whipping out the maintenance hits. Here's an update:
Cessna 630's new door has been delayed by UPS Freight. This is the last thing we are waiting on. Expect 630 to return to service on Friday. Since we have new cylinders on her motor, this will be break-in time ONLY for the next 10 hours, and as you know, we do not allow Student Solos in an aircraft with cylinders being broken in -- so we will get her into circulation as soon as we can.
We always put the first 2 hours on a new motor break-in, then 8 more hours on local XC work only, then an oil change, inspection of oil filter, and with a blessing from the wrenches, the plane is released into the wild. It will be the same procedure for the C150.
If you are looking to take a 150 somewhere interesting and local XC, get in touch with the office, we might be able to swing a deal with ya.
Cessna 20U has 36 minutes left on her 100hr, and is now maintenanced out. Expect her return either Saturday or the following Tuesday, depending on scheduling.
Cessna 68U is running great. Thanks, 68U!
Cessna 04H is running great. Thanks, 04H!
Cessna 1ES has emerged from a rocking 100hr inspection and is returned to service as of 7pm tonight. Cessna 1ES has a new alternator, new ignition harnesses, new cowling shock mounts, and some smaller tweaks.
Cessna 17J continues to be a cool cat.
Cessna 25R has been taken off-line to begin her Annual. Expected return is tomorrow or Thursday, depending on findings. (the mechanics are working on her as I type this)
Piper 85Y is actually behaving herself. Thanks, 85Y!

Some other news from the kids at Cessna! For those of you who might have inquired about Student Loan Financing through Sallie Mae, you may have been shocked at the deal they were offering you -- depending on credit rating, it has been somewhere between a poke in the eye and a punch in the nose!
Cessna has heard our complaints, as well as that of many others I expect, and we are pleased to announce a new funding provider for Pilot Training Financing, Bank of America. BofA's Aviation Branch, not to be confused with the retail banking side (an opinion of which I will keep to myself) does the AOPA funding program, and is very competitive in the flight financing arena.
We are getting our feet wet with their program, but I believe it is similar to what Sallie Mae offered in better times, being Vocational Training loans with the potential for extended terms, payment deferral, and no simultaneous college enrollment requirement, or age limit. It is a good program.
Interest rates start at 8.99% Fixed, and Credit Lines start from $5,000 and up.
If you are interested in hearing what they might be able to do for your training funding, feel free to give them a jingle, at:
Bank of America / AOPA / Cessna Flight Training Financing
(866) 541-7398
For Cessna Preferred Pricing, mention Source Code UAA NV7 4S. Also, the secret handshake is 3 fingers, shake, a stylish fist bump, and you point at your left shoe with your right hand in the shape of a gun.
BofA, they gangsta.

The Airport Manager has declared that nobody is to be let out of the airport when the gates close, even if it is before dusk.
I really don't know why.
The Security folks have asked us to alert everyone, as they are also not going to let anybody out. Please request a Gate Card from us, for $20, if you wish to not be trapped by this odd policy.
There is a walk-thru gate on the East side of the main entrance gate, just in case you need it.
I expect more details about this policy at the monthly airport meeting tomorrow. IF we are on the field, either in the office or in Hangar 1, we will let you out. This is primarily for folks who fly after-hours without a CFI. (our CFIs all have cards, natch..)

"I just wanted to fly, man. I guess now I'll break into an airplane and spend the night."
Gorgeous weather abounds, oh my goodness. It's cool, breezy, clear as can be, and just great for some Air Therapy. Catch a dose!
Blue Skies,
- Mike