Please join me in congratulating the newest U.S. Private Pilot in the world -- one Pilot John B., who earned his wings in Cessna 17J with DPE Andrea Eldridge.
It's about time! :)

This was our first checkride with Andrea, and the word is that she has an excellent conversational style, discussing numerous piloting scenarios with you, and learning your operational knowledge, thought processes, and how you see various pilot challenges -- all in a non-confrontational way. The flight was also described as "devoid of deviousness" -- whatever that means!
All accounts suggest that hers is a fair, by the book checkride, which covers all of the necessary PTS criteria, and does not seek to trip you up. It was rated an excellent experience overall.
Many of you have seen Andrea's business cards on the counter, and I have overheard a lot of speculation about what a young DPE's checkride might be like, and now you know. It's a good experience. Andrea is only rated to give Private Pilot rides at the moment, but that is likely to change as she becomes seasoned in the FAA's DPE system.
We look forward to more rides with her -- she flys out of Chino and is very involved in the excellent Planes of Fame museum.

Some maintenance updates:
Cessna 630 continues a monumental Annual inspection. I must remind everyone that this is 630's first California annual, and that we have a different standard of airworthiness than Wisconsin, the plane's former home.
So far we have done the following unusual work to 630:
New Elevator
New Windshield
New Engine Cylinders
New Aileron
New Interior trim
New Copilot Door
Basically as the mechanics roll through the airframe, they just keep finding things they'd rather replace now. The plane will be the better for it, I have no doubt. I appreciate the patience from the C150 set.
Timing for the 150 wrap-up should be the end of this week, however, we may lose another week to paint the door itself when it arrives.
As I had asked before, if you are feeling left in the cold by this 150 downtime, please inquire with the office -- we may have some creative solutions.
Cessna 25R will enter annual shortly. We have already given her a "Californization", so this should be brief.
Cessna 1ES enters 100hr just after.

We have had a problem with folks booking large blocks (4+ hours) in popular aircraft and then no-showing. We have chatted privately with the worst offenders, but the situation continues.
We do not mind you booking these times, but please cancel the booking if you're not able to make it. Some of the voids left in the schedule have been gigantic. This affects us most on Thursday through Sunday.
We will implement a new policy soon, whereby if you are late for a booking by more than, say, an hour, we will reserve the right to re-book your plane. I am interested in any comments you might have about this idea.
That's it for now. Enjoy the cool weather and clear visibility. We'll be warm and hazy before you know it.
Blue skies,
- Mike