The FAA has served up something interesting in an upcoming Safety Seminar!
To wit: Operating Safely at a Non-towered Airport
This discussion will focus specifically on Corona Municipal Airport, and is sure to be a good forum.
I expect this will involve a number of our local flyers, and I'd expect a lively discussion to result. Wednesday evening of the 14th, at 6:30pm on the "upper deck" (midfield, the 2-story blue building) -- please attend if you can make it, as we can all learn from one another. We are all part of the same community after all, and we all share a number of goals, safety being high on just about everyone's list.

We have a new Instructor face around the ranch! Please join me in welcoming CFI/CFII/MEI Eddie M., who joins us from ATP in Texas. Eddie is a calm and composed instructor, and he actually seems to enjoy this stuff!
Eddie began his training with our neighbors at John Wayne (KSNA), so he is armed with local knowledge, which is good, because there aren't too many wide open spaces in SoCal, and way fewer head of cattle.
I promise that we in the office and student body will cook up additional tortures for Eddie -- he's simply having too much fun right now.
Eddie is currently working out the details of his schedule. I'd expect this to be finalized in the coming weeks.
Welcome aboard, Eddie!

(full disclosure: this is not Eddie. This looks like my realtor, and possibly yours too)
Some maintenance faces to make:
Cessna 17J's imitation of the Rice Krispie guys (elves? leprechauns? what the heck are those guys?) -- has been isolated to the rear seats. We continue to hunt this issue, but setting the "crew" isolate mode on Julie's audio panel will ensure crackle-free flying. Thanks to CFI Elian for helping to isolate this issue!
Cessna 1ES motors on.
Cessna 04H is expected to emerge from her monster 100hr either tomorrow or Tuesday.
Cessna 630 completed her 100hr. She has a new windshield, however, we did not receive it in time to install. We will install this when convenient, or at the next 100hr.
Cessna 25R has a new shimmy dampener and we are now using a stiffer nosewheel tire. We have not been able to reproduce the shimmy except by landing at very high speeds (80kt+) -- which causes everything in the plane to shimmy.
Cessna 20U has had her fuel tank baffling replaced. It will likely be complete next week.
Piper 85Y has been trouble free. I touched wood after typing that. Please touch wood after reading it. :)
Cessna 68U seems to be doing fine with her new fuel system re-sealing.

That's all I have. Fly Safe!
Blue Skies,
- Mike