Grungy weather all over the place today! Even the IFR pilots are looking up and scratching their heads, with the on-again, off-again rain and clouds.

And yet, if you're U.S. Private Pilot Thomas M., the newest pilot in the world, you find the silver lining, wait for that weather to improve, and you soar to victory.
Thomas scored his wings impressively, with his Examiner Ron Allen from Riverside FSDO, in Cessna 1ES.
Nice, nice work Thomas!
Some other updates:
Cessna 1ES is now due for 100hr, however, we are letting select solos and checkrides proceed. Downtime is now forecast through Wednesday. Cessna 1ES has had her stall warning horn replaced.
Cessna 17J has a new position light lens.
Piper 85Y has been pulled off the line to replace her new right fuel boost pump. We dislike the constant circuit breaker popping. We are moving to a newer beefier type of pump, which we just learned is available. We are also doing some minor squawks while she's down, involving her left engine idle, throttle quadrant splits, prop governor on the left, and sundry other goodies.

Blue Skies -- well not right now, but you know what I mean.
- Mike