A round of applause, or a stylish fist-bump to our maintenance crew, who have been cranking out aircraft at an alarming rate. To wit:
Cessna 630 has emerged from her 100hr and wing repair. We will be scheduling a visit to paint for her copilot wingtip, and her new copilot door panel.
Cessna 68U was hustled through a one-day 100hr. Nice!
Cessna 20U has had her finishing squawks done, she is back at Procraft for signoff. We hope she will be up for the weekend.
Cessna 04H broke her tachometer cable. It will arrive today and she may fly tomorrow.
Cessna 1ES is smirking at the other "drama queen" planes.
Cessna 17J has a new window hinge.
Cessna 25R is snickering along with 1ES.
Piper 85Y is still with the engine gurus.
Our thanks to the FlyC hangar crew: Mike, Curt, Kamau, Ricardo, Carlos, Larry, Paul and Joe.

We have purchased an impressive gas-powered vacuum sweeper. Since our landlords at Corona airport cannot manage to keep our tarmac gravel-free on their own, we will be taking matters into our own hands. Please alert the office to any loose debris on the line, and we will get it attended to. The days of our taxiway looking like a gravel-pit are about to end.
I'm bitter on this topic.

On a lighter note, the weather is warm and nice, and we have a lot of pilots warming up their checkride prep. Best of luck, gentlemen, I am looking forward to some wings being earned!
Blue Skies,
- Mike