A tough weekend, and we've got some casualties from 3 100hrs to report. To wit:
Cessna 630 underwent her first California-grade 100hr inspection, and we had some things we diudn't care for to iron out. Specifically, a patch on a wing skin, and some fiberglass work on one of her wingtips. The work is done, but we await paint on the wing.
Cessna 68U crossed her 100hr mark on Sunday, and she will be down this week for 100hr.
Cessna 20U is fighting us to wrap her 100hr. She's but a windshield away.
Cessna 04H has had an engine tweak, as the hot temperatures were making her run too close to the red for comfort.
Cessna 1ES is running fine. Thanks 1ES!
Cessna 17J has a new vacuum pump.
Cessna 25R is running dandy. Thanks 25R!
Piper 85Y is waiting on engine reassembly. More when I know it.

In other news, friend of FlyC Marlon C. recently achieved his CFI/MEI ratings, and will be instructing for us in the evenings. Working fliers, rejoice! Marlon is a FlyC alum, and knows all of our eccentricities already, and is ready to jump in with both feet. Marlon will be available immediately after 4:30pm, Monday through Saturday. Why waste that daylight after 6pm? (it's cooler then anyway!)
Great flying to be had, despite the heat. Grab some sky!
- Mike