Cooler temps -- but for how long? It's nice out lately.
Some maintenance updates:
Cessna 630 is back from a tour of Seattle; however, when her renter is done, she will be going down for 100hr.
Cessna 68U is running strong.
Cessna 20U should wrap her 100hr this week.
Cessna 04H has a new starter, new starter cabling, and is currently down for a nose strut overhaul.
Cessna 1ES is chugging along fine.
Cessna 17J will be down for a failed vacuum pump.
Cessna 25R is running great.
We expect Piper 85Y's engine to wrap up this week.

The new LA Sectional and TAC charts are in (finally!) -- a few days early, but grab em while they're hot!
We have expanded our lending library significantly. For those who do not know, the long bookcase packed with books has all manner of aviation-related books which you are free to borrow!
Our system is as follows: borrow a book, and we will deduct its value from your account. When you return it, we will credit the value back. Simple! Keep it as long as you like, or forever if it's a great book! And there are some very good ones on the shelf, take a peruse next time you're in the office.

The Chevron gods are forecasting lower avgas prices in the next 3 months. Let's hope.

Blue skies, summer in full swing! Grab some sky!
- Mike