Warmer weather is here, which means we all need to focus on staying cool, flying safe, and enjoying our flying without undue hazard to health and mood.
We have cool water in the office fridge. Please take a bottle up with you. Flying is not only work, it can be dehydrating!
We will be unpacking the misty mates soon. They're dorky, but they work. Inquire with the office if you'd like one of these. Fill them from the cooler for bonus coldness.

A belated congrats to our friend Michael Booth, who passed his Commercial checkride in Cessna 25R with DPE Ken Earl on Monday.
Nice work, Michael!

Now for a "what would you do?" moment. This one is a little more advanced, sorry early fliers.
Imagine you have departed Hawthorne (KHHR) and are on flight following with SoCal Approach at 3000 MSL, heading to Chino (KCNO). You have been cleared to operate in the Bravo airspace, and you have a squawk code. You have cleared Fullerton airspace to the east, and after you inquire, you are told to contact SoCal Approach on 121.3, which you do. You are over the Chino hills, at 3000 MSL when 121.3 says "Aircraft calling SoCal, I don't know who you are, say position and intentions?"
Clearly someone forgot to hand you off. Hey, it happens. Now you need to deal with it.
You are in Ontario Charlie airspace.
You are over Chino's Delta airspace.
What would you do? Are you "busted" ?
(this happened to me today. I know what I did, I'm curious what you'd do -- there does not appear to be a correct answer :)
We have one seat left for the run to Osh Kosh this year. The arrangements are figured out, and are as follows:
We are departing AJO on Saturday morning, July 26th, and expect to arrive at OSH on Sunday the 27th.
We have rented a home which is 2 blocks from the show.
We plan to depart on Thursday the 31st, and be back at AJO by Friday August 1st.
The house rental is for 5 nights, and will be $500 per person.
The fuel bill will be pro-rata and is calculated to be appx $600 per person.
This is in a Bonanza S35, and we will all be taking turns as PIC.
Please drop me a note via email or in the office if you're interested.
Blue Skies,
- Mike