I'm reminded this week that one of the great things about being a pilot is the association and camaraderie of other pilots. The outpouring of concern from all of our friends for the families has been wonderful. A piece of our collective soul was lost on Sunday, and the circumstances hit close to home. We've all had those careless moments, folding a map or fiddling with a GPS or (in my own guilty case) an mp3 player -- and here is that one-in-a-million chance that we took, probably more than once, and the consequence is presented for us all to reflect upon quietly.
And yet it hasn't been quiet at all. To the contrary, instructors and students, office and pilots and friends have all gotten in touch to take in the news, to relay tales, and to send condolences for those affected, or to offer any help that may be needed. It's been comforting to see, to share, and to partake. While we had only just met the pilots involved, and we will no longer benefit from their company, our association with everyone is priceless. Thank you for being a part of it, and for being who you all are.
Our continued thoughts and prayers for the families of all those involved.
If we learn who is handling care or memorial services for those involved, we will relay that information.
In more mundane news,
Cessna 20U is down for her annual. We discovered a small flake of metal in the oil filter upon inspection, and we are sending her to the engine shop immediately for examination. Downtime could be extensive, please stay tuned.
Cessna 68U will be down for 100hr this week.
Cessna 04H will be down for 100hr this week.
Blue Skies, Fly Safe!
- Mike