If you're like me and stuck indoors jockeying a desk -- what better time to hunt down some new aviation-related contraptions?
Check out this full-360 degree shot of an Airbus A380 Cockpit.
Pretty nifty. You can drag the picture around and, if you're really bored.. count the switches.

Cessna 68U and 04H completed their 100hr inspections on Saturday. (whew!) -- Sorry for those who were grounded as we did some last-minute squawks Saturday morning. At one point we had 5 people working on 04H, making it more akin to a pit stop.
Cessna 20U is expected to take 2 weeks. We have decided to pre-emptively replace all of her vital engine components, including main and rod bearings, accessory drives, and have the cylinders re-fitted.

Belated congratulations to US Private Pilot Sean P. , who flew to victory last saturday with DPE Tom Hamm in his own (beautiful) 172R. Nice work, Sean!
Gray skies... so, stay warm at least!
- Mike