Apologies for a glitch with the booking system today -- apparently bookings were throwing errors this afternoon -- a result of exceeding 250 emails (our backup) in a day -- and triggering our ISP's spam filtering.
We've worked around this and now enjoy a limit of 500/day. When I get bored enough, I'll bump this to 1000 or so. :)
In other news, Cessna 20U's window hinge was found to be lacking -- we are installing a new one and have grounded her preventatively. Also she has a new starter.
Cessna 04H should emerge from 100hr soon with some new work done to her door frames
Cessna 08V is in for annual.
Piper 85Y is in for 100hr.
Business as usual -- thanks to those who emailed me the error message for the heads up. :)
The Corona Air Fair(e) is coming two saturdays from now -- it's always a blast, plan on paying the airport a visit!
Blue Skies!
- Mike