Some assorted news:
Cessna 68U has a new turn coordinator. Her second navcom is on order. Her mode C will be investigated shortly.
Cessna 04H is at John Wayne for a complete avionics overhaul
Cessna 08V is having her new windshield installed. Her annual, which is taking forever, should be over by next week.
Cessna 20U and Piper 85Y have new VOR indicators on order.
Cessna 1ES completed her 100hr
Cessna 17J is in for her 100hr, we are doing evening inspections for her.

Twin Insurance Policy
We've now perfected the oddity of solo in the twin, and it is as follows:
Renter pilots holding a CFI rating or better may solo the aircraft after a checkout.
Renter pilots holding an MEL but not a CFI rating will require an insurance approval. We have done this now with a few students, and it takes between 3-7 days. Fly Corona will absorb any increase in insurance cost. For new renters, we will require a 20 hour block to be prepaid before adding you to insurance, and if you are refused by the underwriter for any reason, the unused portion of this block will be refunded to you on request.
Change in CFI Block Rate, effective November 15
Due to the phenomenal uptake in regional airline hiring, we are finding it difficult to retain CFIs. As such, pay rates are going up across the flight training industry, especially within our own instructor ranks.
As such, we will be doing the following:
CFI Block Rates will be eliminated effective November 15, 2007. All CFI time will be at the single rate of $49/hr.
Aircraft Rates will remain unchanged.
Since we do not like surprises, we grandfather old rates whenever there is a change. As such, the following applies:
All money on account as of November 15 will be grandfathered and remain at the CFI Block rate ($39) for a period of 2 months.
All full prepaid accounts as of November 15 will be grandfathered and remain at the CFI Block rate ($39) for a period of 6 months.
This new policy will allow us to retain good CFIs, and with luck, hold on to them longer before they pin on some epaulets and a tie and fly jets around.

Blue Skies!
- Mike