Strange things are afoot in both maintenance and CFI land -- here's the scoop:
Cessna 08V remains in 100hr pending repair of a small leak in her fuel tank. The leak was probably measurable in drops per week, but we don't take chances with this sort of thing -- the repair and completion of the 100hr is expected this week some time.
Cessna 04H will be going down for 100hr this week.
Cessna 20U will be going down for 100hr next week.
Cessna 1ES needs her headset jacks recrimped.
Cessna 17J is going to Tom's in Long Beach for some warranty tweaks and to have the XM activated, hopefully permanently this time.

We have removed CFI Jeremy from the schedule, as he is too busy flying fancy planes. Students affected by this, please let the office know so we can find you a CFI to your liking.
Speaking of which...
CFI Dave is back on the schedule! He has some time off and wishes to fly, he is available for bookings immediately, and we expect him to fly with us for the next month or two.
Welcome back, Dave!

Nice and warm lately -- although there is some morning haze afoot. We're keeping the fridge stocked as best we can with bottled water.
We also have new "sport sized" misty mates to help keep your cool. They work great, but they are the opposite of fashionable. Don't worry, we won't tell -- promise! Give them a shot, your CFI may be glad you did.

Blue Skies!
- Mike