Please join me in congratulating the two newest Private Pilots ever!
First, a congratulations to Bert V., who passed his ride with DPE Tom Hamm yesterday in Cessna 68U. Nice work, Bert!
Second, another congratulations to Brett W., who also passed his ride with DPE Tom Hamm yesterday in Cessna 1ES. Nice work, Brett!

Tis the season for some new wings to get underway -- say hello when you share some sky with them!
In other news,
Cessna 08V has a new radio and has emerged from her 100hr.
Cessna 04H has completed her 100hr
Cessna 20U will be undergoing 100hr this week.
Piper 85Y will be down on Friday for some landing gear rewiring. Nothing is wrong with the gear, but we wish to keep it that way. There is a Piper design flaw which "kinks" the landing gear wiring at every up or down cycle -- A new kit has come out to reroute the wires to prevent this fatigue, as well as update the design of the microswitches which tell the system the gear is up or down. We like the idea of modernizing our planes, especially ones where the wheels are "optional", so 85Y will be down for appx 1 day.
Blue Skies,
- Mike