Blue skies and sane winds seem to have returned to fashion, and this strange blustery winter wonderland seems to be gone! Whew! Time to dust off the headsets and grab some sky, Cali-style... not Nebraska style.

Please join me in congratulating U.S. Private Pilot Eddie R. who did just that, and completed his checkride successfully with DPE Tom Hamm in Cessna 04H this morning! Well done, Eddie!
We will be performing varied maintenance this evening to overhaul 2 nosewheel shimmy dampeners which are out of spec, as well as a bevy of other squawks that are annoying everybody. Cessnas 68U and 04H are primarily in the crosshairs for this work. Cessna 08V is not off the hook, however, and will be getting a spinner for her prop, and a few other adjustments.
Cessna 20U has had her wing examined, and the corrosion found is not severe. We are having maintenance perform anti-corrosion treatment on the affected areas, and the whole wing, so that we can avoid repeating this problem again! 20U is slated to return at the end of the week, and our thanks to Eagle-eye Dave from DP Air for catching that little spot of future trouble during her annual!
Cessna 17J just rocks. Thanks, Julie!
Rumors are that CFI Jeremy is walking now, and his recovery is expected to be swift. No ETA yet on his return to California, but we are hoping to see his smiling mug soon, perhaps early March.
Holy cow, it was nice flying this weekend... and after 3 or 4 weeks of insane-o winds, I think it is high time, too! 2007 should be an excellent year for flying, and we have some plans in store to make it even better. Thanks for flying with us in 07!
Blue Skies!
- Mike