Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Change of plans...


The winds remains, despite our sharpest language directed skyward -- but it does seem to be ebbing of late.

On the maintenance front:

Cessna 17J completed her 100hr.
Cessna 04H completed her 100hr. During inspection, we believe we have found a fix for the plug foulling, and will be monitoring the situation closely. Cross fingers! 04H has been returned to the line today.
Cessna 20U remains in Annual inspection, and is continuing her extensive squawk fixes. We have actually found a spot of corrosion in the wing, which we are in the process of removing, etching, and corrosion-proofing.. 20U's downtime could continue through the week, more as we know it.


In other news, we have made some small administrative adjustments to the online schedule. Use should not be affected, however, if you run across any odd behaviour, please let me know at mike@flycorona.com

Blue Skies!

- Mike