Hi Gang,
Just some quick updates on some aircraft you may see maintenanced out this weekend:
Cessna 17J experienced her very first missed flight, at nearly 400 hours of trouble-free service, with a sticky starter bendix. We will likely be replacing the starter Saturday morning and returning her to service.
Her GPS navdata has been updated. There was a problem with her update SD card which was apparently causing update failures. Thanks to the pilots who squawked this out to make us aware of the update failures. We believe this problem to be fixed now, and you should see proper updates for Julie now.
Cessna 20U is experiencing intermittent flat batteries. Please do not leave the master on more than is necessary, and ensure the avionics are OFF for your preflight. If this situation persists, we will be replacing her battery with a fresh one.
Cessna 68U's turn coordinator will be replaced when we are able to do so.
That's it -- blue skies!
- Mike