I hope your holiday season is off to a solid start, and that you were able to arm-wrestle that granny successfully for your choice of Wii, Plasma Bigscreen, or a Talking Vampire Undead Elmo doll. Additionally, I hope that the 5 extra of said item that you were able to secretly purchase bring you many happy returns on eBay.

There is a storm cloud over the FlyC family this season (literally and figuratively today) -- as our own CFII Jeremy was in a motorcycle accident on Thanksgiving Eve.
Jeremy is in stable condition, and the breakage has been described as "moderate", however, he will be grounded for a number of weeks pending the installation of new titanium parts. (just kidding) We do not have the current "how long" estimate yet, but we will inform you as we know more.
Jeremy's existing students have been notified, and we are assisting in making interim plans for those affected training-wise, but it will be a quieter, more serious Fly Corona in the coming weeks until Jeremy's return.
Those interested in sending get-well wishes for Jeremy may do so care of the office, or drop an email to fly@flycorona.com, and we will pass them on. I'm sure he would love to hear from you.
Drive, ride, fly safe out there. And beware of tennis elbow when granny-wrestling in the mall this holiday season.

- Mike